Kohler Generator

Home Standby Generators

Keep the power ON in your home with an Automatic Standby Generator!

It happens to virtually every homeowner at one time or another. The power goes out, and there’s no telling when it will come back on. Food is spoiling in the refrigerator, all the lights are out, there is no heat or air conditioning and you’re wondering what you are going to do. If this has happened to you, you should know that a home generator can keep the power flowing, even in bad weather. Cornejo Electric can help you find the right generator to deliver efficient and cost-effective power, meaning, when the lights go out, your home will be protected.

What is an automatic standby generator?

An automatic standby generator is a backup electrical system that operates whether you are home or away. Within seconds of an outage, it automatically supplies power directly to your home. After utility power returns, the generator shuts itself off automatically and waits for the next outage. It operates on natural gas or liquid propane gas and sits outside just like a central air conditioning unit.

Reasons to buy an automatic generator instead of a portable one.

  • A standby generator provides protection 24/7, whether you are home or away. It comes on automatically during a utility power outage and turns itself off when utility power returns, so there is no need for you to monitor your unit during a power outage.
  • There is no need to haul a portable generator outside. It is a permanently installed unit, much like an air conditioning unit.
  •  With an automatic standby generator properly installed outside, your home is protected from deadly carbon monoxide poisoning that is a much greater risk with portable generators.
  • An automatic standby generator runs on the home’s natural gas or LP fuel supply so it is less expensive to run than a gasoline generator and it does not have to be refilled.
  • During a utility power outage, an automatic standby generator provides numerous advantages over a portable generator: You can choose what things are essential to keep running in your home during a power outage.
  • The American Red Cross recommends permanently installed standby generators as a safer way to provide backup power to a home than a portable generator.

Fast, Professional Installation

When you purchase a home generator from Cornejo Electric, Inc., you don’t just get great pricing, you also receive fast professional installation from a licensed electrician. We appreciate that your time is valuable and we also realize that it is important to have your generator system up and running quickly. We pride ourselves on our timely and professional installations.

Don’t leave you & your family unprotected during inclement weather – thunderstorms, hail, extreme heat or cold or general power grid failures. All of these put your power supply at risk if you don’t have a permanent backup generator. If you’d like to have the peace of mind a home generator gives, contact us today at 219-313-3166 and we would be happy to give you more information.

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